I have a simple philosophy: Great stories are never about things; they’re always about people. I thought the best way to celebrate the inclusiveness and diversity of the Pokémon community was to create a series. The incredible folks at WAR agreed, and we made this. This series isn’t really about the game. Instead, it’s about the people whose lives have been shaped by it. I didn’t know the first thing about Pokémon, but I do know people, and I think this series showcases some beautiful people. 
I’m incredibly proud of this work and the fact that I now have a favorite Pokémon.

written and developed by john chuldenko

written and developed by john chuldenko

The client had a basic shell of an idea, and the biggest movie star on the planet flying to Abu Dhabi in a few weeks. Then they called me. Working with the ridiculously talented director Ira Rosensweig, I developed a campaign that featured Jason having a blast in the four parks inside Yas Island. I wrote the scripts in the middle of the night across time zones and sang a sleep-deprived ballad to Jason Momoa (it’s a long story). In the end, Jason arrived in the U.A.E. with scripts to shoot, and Ira directed them beautifully. I got covid on my last day, but hey, we still had an absolute blast.

written and developed by john chuldenko

written and developed by john chuldenko

These content days are bonkers. You have to click with the actors and immediately earn their trust. You’ve got to be sensitive to their needs and make sure they still look cool. You’ve got to be a liaison between the talent and the network who have a list of shots they need to have in the can at the end of the day. You’ve got to write on the fly, think on your feet, and stay prepared for anything. It’s brutal, I’ve done it for years, and I love every second of it.
I’m fascinated by the way music can shape our identities, cement our memories, and forge deep connections. When the startup Weespin called to talk about developing their brand and creating original content, I jumped at the opportunity. Music awakens everything that makes us human, so I explored that idea by exploring a longer narrative film that wallows in the exquisite agony of creating a mixtape for someone special.
This is the spot that people reference all the time when they want talent integrated into movies. I wrote it. It involved a lot of looking at footage and writing bits that would be perfect for Richard. I’ve had so many clients say “You know that Richard Sherman spot?” Yes. Yes I do.

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